Monday, September 14, 2009

If i am a fruit i will be.....

Hello everyone, if i were a fruit, i would be a durian. A durian has spikes surrounding it, protecting it from predators. I want to be like the durian because of that. A durian also tastes nice, and it is almost irresistable to some kind of animals. Though i would have spines to protect me and not get eaten, some kind of animals can tear my wonderful spiky outer covering open and eat me up :(! I would also like to be a coconut, because it is nice and delicious, it also has a rough outer covering, protecting it from the harsh weather conditions. It can also float on water and travel to lots of places in the ocean. THAT WOULD BE COOL. I like to be both a durian and coconut because though it is hard to open up their outer coverings, the meat is delicious to eat and that's why I want to be one of them.

Monday, July 13, 2009

NDP show

The NDP show was super fun. It contained many exciting and fun activities. There was singing of national day songs, speed boat chasing, military tanks, troops from the army, and many other fun things to watch. At first, when we arrived at school, we were given a bag which contained a light stick in the shape of a heart, a "hand" drum, 2 drinks, and many nice things. Then, we were given the burger which the school bought from KFC. After we had boarded the bus, we began to chatter excitedly and we talked about how the show would be like. When we arrived in marina, we had to wait an extremely long time before getting to sit down at the seats in the NDP parade. After we sat down, we talked and after some time, I began to read a book. Just before the show started, i began to eat my burger. Many other pupils were also eating their burgers at that time. The burger was quite delicious as it was filled with a juicy crunchy meat and 2 pieces of bread sandwiching it. When the show started, it was really interesting and we cheered and did the WAVE. Sometime or other, students would began beating their drums and cheering loudly. The NDP show was like a book. There were a few chapters and whenever a chapter ended, a small array of fireworks would shoot into the sky. There was this military defence show that showed us how important it was to keep Singapore safe and sound. In the military defence show, there was this speedboat chase, where 2 police boats, chased 2 criminal boats. It was extremely fun and wonderful. Later, there were these few performances and a lot of people were dancing and singing together in harmony. When the tanks rolled in, we cheered and roared and we were extremely happy. We took photos and were really happy and elated. Some time later, these men, all holding rifles, came out and pointed guns in the air. They fired and the gunshots made loud noises. Some people did not like it, but i loved it. At the end of the show, just before the fireworks, a heavy downpour came. It was raining cats and dogs. In the blink of an eye, everything and everyone that was exposed to the rain got wet. We put on the raincoats given to us in the funpack and sun students even brought umbrellas. The floor was flooded and the stairs were like a waterfall, with water gushing down at top speed, immediately making our shoes drenched. The rain was terrible as it splattered on the ground and battered on us relentlessly. We walked through the downpour and sometimes steped on the wet grass. When we reached the bustop to wait for the bus, we all heaved a sigh of relieve as we were now under shleter and the rain was getting lighter. When the bus finally arrived, we went into the bus, many of us were cold and all of us were drenched from head to toe. Finally, we reached the school, and our parents sent us back to our cosy and nice homes. Overall, The NDP show was an extremely nice show, and i was in a state of euphoria.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ancient Greece

If i were a boy in ancient Greece, i would feel weird and i would like to explore places. Religion was an important part of Greek culture. People believed that the gods lived on top of a tall mountain called Mount Olympus.Greek homes were small, but they built huge stone temples and public buildings. They had statues on the inside and outside of gods and goddesses decorating the walls and ceilings. Theatres were an important part of Greek life. Huge theatres were built for shows to be played. Plays were very funny or very sad. Male actors performed all plays and it was against the law for women to act. Learning was extremely important for Greeks The sons of rich citizens had teachers when they were seven while for the poor, they could not afford teachers and had to teach their children what they could at home. Most of the girls in Greece did not attend school, instead, their mother taught them to make cloth and cook at home. Men and Women also wore a straight Chiton, which was a long and rectangular piece of cloth cut into two and held together at the shoulders by pins. I would love to attend their school and watch plays and see temples and some public buildings and learn more about the gods. I would also go and watch the first Olympic games in 776 BC, which continued until today. I think living in ancient greece would be fun and exciting and you can learn about many things and go around where the air is fresh and many trees around to provide oxygen. Overall, i think i would like living in ancient greece.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Transformers revenge of the fallen

Hello everyone, have you watched the show transformers revenge of the fallen? I have watched it already. If you have watched it, do you think it is a nice show? I think the show is super cool and nice as the transformers destroy each other. The autobots are the good guys who attack the decepticons, who are the bad guys. In the last show, the autobots won by a slim chance when the allspark, destroyed Megatron, the leader of the decepticons. Optimus Prime was defeated when he was fighting 3 decepticons, one of which, was megatron. Sam, a human, found the matrix and used it to revive Optimus Prime so he can help to fight the decepticons. While Optimus Prime fought against The Fallen, he totally trashed him with the extra powerful parts of another decepticon who changed side, so he is a friend to the autobots. In the end, the autobots won again and hurray!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Cripin (The Cross of lead)

This book is called Crispin ( the cross of lead). A boy, who is called Crispin, does not know his name. So he was only called Asta's son, Asta, was his mother. He and his mother are poor peasants in fourteenth-century medieval England. One day, his mother died, and he was left as an orphan since his father had died before he was born. Soon, the lord of his village died during a war, and his assistant, being a cruel one, accused Crispin of a crime he did not commit and now he finds himself declared a "wolf's head". that means he may be killed on sight by anyone. If he wants to remain alive, he must flee from his village. And so he does........ I recommend this book to you, and if you read the book, you would know the ending.

The Koi Pond

The Koi Pond is about a boy named Alvin, whose father loves fishing and his life long dream was to have a koi pond of his own. His family moved to a new house and they finally had a garden. Alvin's father had workers to come and help him to built a pond in their garden. When Alvin was helping out, he found pieces of glass from a bottle, a key, bone fragments, five marbles of different colours, a plastic comb, and an assortment of odds and ends. Alvin's mother, father and him, found that the key was short and stubby which was not the usual cut. Later, Alvin's mother found out from her friends that the key was a safe deposit key, which belonged to the Overseas Union Bank.
Then, they found some letters in the safe deposit box and traced the owner of the letters--Seetoh Mei Lan. Alvin and his family soon found Mei Lan and took care of her. Mei Lan had dreams of her house-which was now Alvin's house. How her house was burnt and destroyed but she managed to escape, with Alex's help. Alex was Mei lan's boyfriend and Alex died while rescuing her. Finally, she survived an operation that she had to go through and she survived at the end. When the koi's came to their new home, Alex's father named 2 koi's Alex and Mei, to unite them again.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Hello everyone, now i will talk about the time when my family and i were in WASHINGTON DC, the capital of the United States. When we were there, we went to the Arlington Cemetry. There were tons of people there. From any direction you look, the row of gravestones was in a straight line which was amazing. When we were there, we read the statement of some famous guy, a few statements about life. After visiting there, we went to the .........WHITE HOUSE!!!! But we did not see Obama. The white house was of course, totally white. with fountains and bushes and a fence around the perimeters of the house.

There were many people there, taking photos. We also took many photos of the White House. Many people were talking about the president. After that, we went to walk, we went to walk to the pentagon. it looks like an ordinary building from below, but when you look from above it, it looks like an enormous pentagon. They did not allow anyone to enter it, though i did not know why. So we walk around the gargantuan building an read some sign post about the terrorist attack in 2001, when a terrorist hi-jacked an aeroplane and crashed into the west wing of the pentagon. Unfortunately, it was an office building and many people were inside it. Around two hundred people died in the suicide crash.

After reading the sign post, we took a train to see the CAPITOL, not it is an O, not an A. It was a big building and we also spotted some squirrels on the big field with trees near the Capitol. We took many photos of the capitol and we also took some photos of the squirrels. The photo right up is the Capitol

Some time later, we went to the reflecting pool behind the Capitol. That photo up here, is a duck with it's baby. The water in the picture is part of the reflecting pool. The reflecting pool was big and there were many people around the reflecting pool.

Then we went to the near-by botanic gardens. At the botanic gardens, there were many types of plants.

Can you guess what kind of plant this is?....................................................................................BANANA PLANT! Later during the night, we went back to our hotel which was called the marriot and we slept well.


Hello again eveyone, i also went to a place called EPCOT, in Orlando disneyland. When i was in EPCOT, we first went to a ride called MISSION: SPACE (GREEN TEAM). It was quite fun as you were in a spaceship and it flew to MARS. I mean, it felt like it flew to Mars with the launching off part and facing Astoroids and landing and there was even a "television" to see where you were going (of course in fact, you are going nowhere). It was quite fun and exciting, I recommend this ride to people who are not afraid of heights and does not have motion sickness easily.
After that ride, we went to watch THE SEAS WITH NEMO AND FRIENDS. There were real fish and computer made fish like NEMO, his father and many other fish. The show was interesting but it was too dark to take photos as the place was enclosed. After the ride (or show) we went to take photos of real fish as now they put on the lights and we could take photos of fish like manta rays, suckerfish, jellyfish, lionfish and many other types of fishes.
Later, we went to get a fastpass for the ride TEST TRACK, which was a wild ride and you would probably swerve here and there. Fastpass are tickets that allow you to come back at a later time to see the track, but the queue moves much faster then the stand-by. The stand-by, is a queue for people, who want to immediately take the ride, does not require any ticket, but the queue moves much slower.
We also went to watch IMAGINATION. It was a slow moving ride that showed you a lot of imagination, some weird ideas, because it's imagination. So sometimes there would be sudden wind blowing hard at your face (which you would not like that). After the ride (which was quite enjoyable), we went to watch HONEY I SHRUNK THE AUDIENCE. It was about a show where there was a scientist, who created a shrinking and expanding ray. The man accidentally "shrunk" us and we were looking at huge feet through the TV screen. I didn't mind the show, though sometimes (since it was a 3D movie) it seemed like a snake, who was owned by the scientist son, would fly at your face, or their cat, would seem like it was biting you.
Afterwards, we went to a ride called SOARIN". It was super cool and super wonderful, but......but.....the waiting time for the stand-by entrance was a disaster. We had to wait for a full 2 hours, standing there, before we got to start the 5 mins ride. SOARING" was a ride that made you seem that you were in the air. The computer control chairlift, would lift up quite high and shake here and there, showing screens of wild and beautiful places in the world, like the ocean, the forest, the golden gate bridge.......... After the most wonderful ride (soarin") We went back to the boardwalk hotel where we slept, thinking of the next wonderful day......................

USA Orlando Disneyland

Hello again, at the Disneyland in Orlando, i have talked about being at the animal kingdom. Now, i will talk about a wonderful water park with many exhilarating rides: BLIZZARD BEACH.
At Blizzard Beach, there are many wonderful rides. I have been at the Slush Gusher, a super cool ride with about 100 foot fall with curves up and down and it was super excellent (I went for it twice)! I went to the Teamboat springs, which is a family ride with lots of curves and turns and super long and really cool. I think that those who are not afraid of heights and want a real thrilling ride, you should go for the slush gusher! I also went for the Toboggan racers, there were 8 lanes for people to toboggan in. I think tobogganing is really fun though you go down head first on a mat lying flat on your stomach. I went for the toboggan racers 8 times!
The Tobogganing was going straight, but there was another toboggan: snow stormers. You curve through and spin around. I would not recommend this for people who get dizzy easily. There is also a downhill double dipper, where 2 people will slide at the same time for about.....5-6 seconds in total. There is always a very long queue at the downhill double dipper, so only if you have the patience to wait......30-45mins for a 6 second ride, you would be able to go to this exciting thrilling fun-filled action-packed ride! We also went to the Runoff Rapids, a nice ride with curves and spins, though shorter than the teamboat springs. You either go by yourself or in pairs.
OVERALL, i love blizzard beach and i hope to come here again!

USA Trip

Hello everyone, i just came back from USA on the 22nd of June, and my whole family is fine. My trip was very fun and exciting. We went to Annapolis, Washington and Orlando. When we went to Orlando, we went to stay at Disneyland for 6 days. We went to our hotel which was called the Disney's Boardwalk Resort, then we went to the Disneyland's Animal Kingdom. We had a lot of fun rides, like the Kali River Rapids, which made my whole family extremely wet, but we enjoyed it very much. Then, we went to Expedition Everest. The wildest rollar coaster ride I have ever ridden on. The train would suddenly dive like a missle and go up again as suddenly as it dived. It even went towards a broken track, but of course, it was all plan. We suddenly ZOOOOOMED...........backward and the whole experience made me scared. Then we went to watch a 3D cartoon show: It's Tough to be a Bug. I quite liked the show because it was interesting, though sometimes it seemed that the insect would fly straight at your head when you are looking with your 3D glasses and you would really get a shock.
We went to have lunch at a place called restaurantosaurus. We went to the Primeval whirl which was super cool and fun!! We spun around in circles and there were sudden drops (which i did not mind as much as Everest) which were short but there were many of them. We went to watch Finding Nemo---the musical. There were a lot of characters and they all danced around and show us a spectacular stage show. After all those activities, we were quite tired (except me) and decided to walk around. Finally, we saw a rollar coaster ride called DINOSAUR.
We immediately went on it and it was quite disappointing, because the sign said there were sudden drops and sharp turns, but the ride felt like it went in a straight line and moved left or right occasionally. The sound inside the rollar coaster was booming loud (because it was enclosed and that part was the meteor part) and it nearly burst my ear drums!(just an expression). As we carried on towards the wonderful trail where we saw lions, rhinos, gazelles and elephants etc roam freely! We took many photos and an open air safari vehicle took us around the place. After a long day, we had dinner. Then we went back towards the resort to sleep after being so tired by the day and the long airplane ride.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

My favourite place

Hello everyone, I will talk about my favourite place. What are your favourite places? My favourite place is my home, it has the games that i like to play. What do your like to do at your favourite places? I like my home because it has things that i like to play with and to watch television to. So what are your favourite places?

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Hello, how is everyone? I think you have heard about the topic called BOOKS. They are fun to read and what's more is that there are many kinds of variations of books. There are fantasies, animals, many other cool books. What is your favourite book? Share your thoughts and tell me about your favourite book and why it is so.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

School holidays

Hello everyone, how are you people going to spend your school holidays? I'll probably go to USA, the swine flu place. If it gets too bad, i probably would not go there. Anyway, i would like normal, do work and more work and more work and of course play many types of different games, maybe go for some movie if any new show pops out suddenly. I like to play computer games and many outdoor activities, i probably would run around my condominium and just enjoy the breeze and feel the powerful wind blowing on my face. I would also play my tennis competition and i hope to win and beat everyone and i also wish to sit back and relax after the competition. I would also watch a lot of television and i would like to wake up as early or sleep as late as i want to. It would be really difficult to get back to normal school days after the school holidays and try to cope with all the work my teachers are giving us, but i think it would be fine. I also wish to achieve and do well in maths olympiad and learn well and train hard with my father. I wish to be a useful and successful person when i grow up and i hope everyone would be successful and hardworking to be a good person and to grow up well to get good jobs and to learn new things daily. Live a great life, if you are willing to work hard now and enjoy when you grow up instead of enjoy now and suffer when you grow up. Wish everyone will work hard and for everyone to score well in the SA1. So...................................................LET"S GO TEAM!!!!

New Mathematics Question

Hi everyone, how is everyone doing? What subjects do you guys like? Do you people like to travel around the world and see fascinating new stuff like wolves, grizzle bears or learn more about global warming? Well anyway, new math question:
What is 235, 5611, 111223, 232447, _____

New Mathematics Question

Friday, May 1, 2009

Favourite Place

Hi everyone, where is your favourite place to be in? For me, i like many different places like China, Australia, Italy, but most of all Singapore. Share your views and perspectives of live.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

math questions

hi friends, There is a new question today, what is 10! tell it to me.

math questions

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The weekends

Hi everyone, My weekends was fun! First, i went for class, then i went for fun tennis training! Then, i came home to play computer games! After playing for about 1-2 hours, i did my boring chinese.....I wonder who likes chinese? Do you people think school is fun? I think it is quite fun, in fact, very fun. You have a lot of friends to play with and many new things to learn. I want to give a maths question, What is 1+2+3+4.....+999+1000=? I'm just asking a math question alright. So please answer it thanks!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tests and exams

Dear friends, how are your studying for your tests? How do you people think your test will go? Do you like test anyway? How is everyone doing? I hope to score full marks for my math test, try to do the same for the other subjects too. How about you people? what are your targets for this year's CA1? Do you like math, english, science or chinese better? How do you think you would do well in your tests? What do you want to know about math, or chinese or science or english? I hope everyone would do well in this CA1. The science enrichment was fun wasn't it? My group did a lot of experiments. Well, not many, only 1 for last week. How's the math olympiad supplymentary going? Do your like it? How about the chinese supplymentary. Sometimes you know, most of the times, the math olympiad thing is you know for me quite BORING. As in really boring. How does everyone like PE? I mostly think it is boring, even more boring than math olympiad. You know people, let's strive to work hard ok? Do well in this test. WISH EVERYONE A GOOD LUCK AND GOOD MARKS!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

how the camp went

Hello everyone, how was the p5 camp? I mean, it was fun right? We did rock climbing, abseiling and many other fun stuff. The A-huts were well as the boys would know, had a lot of nieghbours(insects) and they were pretty creepy. We did a lot of cheers and also laughed a lot and also done a lot of fun activities and we also went on the fun bus rides. i'm not writing a compozition alright, i'm just trying to know mystical. Just kidding. p5 camp was somewhat interesting and yet sometimes things went really bad. I mean, we sometimes had arguments, but the problems were resolved anyway. So nothing wwent really bad. I guess p5 camp was mostly fun and well......exciting and super cool. Cool, as in COOOOOL. Alright good night people.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hello everybody
Good morning, As you know, this is derek's blog i stated above. How has been the P5 camp? Do you people like to play or do work more?

Monday, February 9, 2009

The p5 CAMP

Hello everyone, have you all prepared and packed for the P5 camp? If not, go prepare! Let's go prepare everyone! GO GO GO! PACK! Get ready, buckle your seatbelts everyone!!!

What shows you love?

My favourite show is fantastic 4, what's yours?

We love work and games!

Hello everyone! What are your favourite games?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hi everyone

Dear everyone, have a good day! what do you say to that?

To Everyone

Hello, How is everyone?