Saturday, June 27, 2009


Hello everyone, now i will talk about the time when my family and i were in WASHINGTON DC, the capital of the United States. When we were there, we went to the Arlington Cemetry. There were tons of people there. From any direction you look, the row of gravestones was in a straight line which was amazing. When we were there, we read the statement of some famous guy, a few statements about life. After visiting there, we went to the .........WHITE HOUSE!!!! But we did not see Obama. The white house was of course, totally white. with fountains and bushes and a fence around the perimeters of the house.

There were many people there, taking photos. We also took many photos of the White House. Many people were talking about the president. After that, we went to walk, we went to walk to the pentagon. it looks like an ordinary building from below, but when you look from above it, it looks like an enormous pentagon. They did not allow anyone to enter it, though i did not know why. So we walk around the gargantuan building an read some sign post about the terrorist attack in 2001, when a terrorist hi-jacked an aeroplane and crashed into the west wing of the pentagon. Unfortunately, it was an office building and many people were inside it. Around two hundred people died in the suicide crash.

After reading the sign post, we took a train to see the CAPITOL, not it is an O, not an A. It was a big building and we also spotted some squirrels on the big field with trees near the Capitol. We took many photos of the capitol and we also took some photos of the squirrels. The photo right up is the Capitol

Some time later, we went to the reflecting pool behind the Capitol. That photo up here, is a duck with it's baby. The water in the picture is part of the reflecting pool. The reflecting pool was big and there were many people around the reflecting pool.

Then we went to the near-by botanic gardens. At the botanic gardens, there were many types of plants.

Can you guess what kind of plant this is?....................................................................................BANANA PLANT! Later during the night, we went back to our hotel which was called the marriot and we slept well.

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