Saturday, June 27, 2009

USA Trip

Hello everyone, i just came back from USA on the 22nd of June, and my whole family is fine. My trip was very fun and exciting. We went to Annapolis, Washington and Orlando. When we went to Orlando, we went to stay at Disneyland for 6 days. We went to our hotel which was called the Disney's Boardwalk Resort, then we went to the Disneyland's Animal Kingdom. We had a lot of fun rides, like the Kali River Rapids, which made my whole family extremely wet, but we enjoyed it very much. Then, we went to Expedition Everest. The wildest rollar coaster ride I have ever ridden on. The train would suddenly dive like a missle and go up again as suddenly as it dived. It even went towards a broken track, but of course, it was all plan. We suddenly ZOOOOOMED...........backward and the whole experience made me scared. Then we went to watch a 3D cartoon show: It's Tough to be a Bug. I quite liked the show because it was interesting, though sometimes it seemed that the insect would fly straight at your head when you are looking with your 3D glasses and you would really get a shock.
We went to have lunch at a place called restaurantosaurus. We went to the Primeval whirl which was super cool and fun!! We spun around in circles and there were sudden drops (which i did not mind as much as Everest) which were short but there were many of them. We went to watch Finding Nemo---the musical. There were a lot of characters and they all danced around and show us a spectacular stage show. After all those activities, we were quite tired (except me) and decided to walk around. Finally, we saw a rollar coaster ride called DINOSAUR.
We immediately went on it and it was quite disappointing, because the sign said there were sudden drops and sharp turns, but the ride felt like it went in a straight line and moved left or right occasionally. The sound inside the rollar coaster was booming loud (because it was enclosed and that part was the meteor part) and it nearly burst my ear drums!(just an expression). As we carried on towards the wonderful trail where we saw lions, rhinos, gazelles and elephants etc roam freely! We took many photos and an open air safari vehicle took us around the place. After a long day, we had dinner. Then we went back towards the resort to sleep after being so tired by the day and the long airplane ride.

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