Monday, June 29, 2009

The Koi Pond

The Koi Pond is about a boy named Alvin, whose father loves fishing and his life long dream was to have a koi pond of his own. His family moved to a new house and they finally had a garden. Alvin's father had workers to come and help him to built a pond in their garden. When Alvin was helping out, he found pieces of glass from a bottle, a key, bone fragments, five marbles of different colours, a plastic comb, and an assortment of odds and ends. Alvin's mother, father and him, found that the key was short and stubby which was not the usual cut. Later, Alvin's mother found out from her friends that the key was a safe deposit key, which belonged to the Overseas Union Bank.
Then, they found some letters in the safe deposit box and traced the owner of the letters--Seetoh Mei Lan. Alvin and his family soon found Mei Lan and took care of her. Mei Lan had dreams of her house-which was now Alvin's house. How her house was burnt and destroyed but she managed to escape, with Alex's help. Alex was Mei lan's boyfriend and Alex died while rescuing her. Finally, she survived an operation that she had to go through and she survived at the end. When the koi's came to their new home, Alex's father named 2 koi's Alex and Mei, to unite them again.

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